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Our Goals

Our vision is for healthy young people to achieve their highest potential in educational, employment and recreational pursuits.

For practical purposes this vision translates into two major goals:

Youth Health
Youth Achievement

YouthHealth USA will therefore focus its attention on:-

  • developing a major capital fund;
  • using the funds in a way which best supports the promotion of youth health and youth achievement;
  • supporting in a consistent and appropriate way the young people of America, and those who help them reach their goals.
Youth Health
Youth Achievement
To promote all aspects of the health and well-
being of young people including:
  • emotional and mental health
  • physical health
  • cultural and spiritual health
  • family connectedness i.e. feeling secure, safe and valued in the wider community.

This goal incorporates intentions expressed in key Federal and State current documents in the areas of health and well-being.

To facilitate the greatest level of personal development in young people by:
  • helping all young people participate in, and make significant contributions towards the achievement of national goals;
  • providing targeted, monitored and sustained support for all young people to help maximize their potential in educational, employment and recreational achievements;
  • mobilizing the sustained pursuit of excellence and consistent performance by young people in all they undertake.
This goal incorporates intentions expressed in key Federal and State current documents in the areas of education, employment and recreational pursuits.


Our Goals, Organization & Policy

Message from the Executive Secretary | The USA: A Prosperous & Confident Nation | Our Charter
Our Goals, Strategies and Objectives | Our Organization | Policy and Administration
Frequently Asked Questions | Volunteer To Help | Sponsors | Staff Biographies | Links

What Are We Doing For Young Americans?