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Obtaining and Using Funds

  1. The YouthHealth USA seeks funds from all legitimate and appropriate sources whether from Federal or State Government, private enterprise or public support. These funds are managed and audited by YouthHealth USA at State and Federal levels.
  2. Only highly ethical organizations (commercial or not-for-profit) are contracted to:
    • obtain funds by public donations;
    • promote any joint venture in terms of public profile and worthiness of support;
    • organize campaigns or events to support the cause of the joint venture.

    YouthHealth USA monitors these activities to ensure the criteria set within each partnership are adhered to.

  3. YouthHealth USA is therefore able to:
    • minimize any risks to its partners and the joint cause;
    • target its energies towards providing quality support in project management;
    • maximize support for the cause.


Our Goals, Organization & Policy

Message from the Executive Secretary | The USA: A Prosperous & Confident Nation | Our Charter
Our Goals, Strategies and Objectives | Our Organization | Policy and Administration
Frequently Asked Questions | Volunteer To Help | Sponsors | Staff Biographies | Links

What Are We Doing For Young Americans?