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Letter from D.A.R.E. to Listener

27 January 2003

The Editor
P O Box 90 119
Auckland Mail Centre

"Profiles in Courage" provided readers with a brief introduction to the work of a Team of talented Facilitators delivering Dare to Make Change throughout New Zealand.

Dare to Make Change is based on TSI and was developed in association with the author Ron Phillips. Most young people discover that participation in the storytelling sessions allows them to create their own mental images of their journey toward adulthood. Once engaged in the story, they become open to developing simple plans to assist them in their quest to gain more effective control of their thinking and behaviour.

Many young people discover that they can apply the principles of "Change" In their own life. For some participants, the outcome can be remarkable.

One grateful parent has this to say: "My daughter was referred to the programme because, at age of ten, she was lying, stealing and being totally obnoxious to adults. She showed improvement immediately after joining the Dare to Make Change group. The lying and stealing were replaced with honesty and the acknowledgement of her mistakes.... and she apologised. 18 months later, we have open communication (which we didn't have before) and I can treat her as a responsible equal, thanks to D.A.R.E."

Graham T Gibbs
The D.A.R.E. Foundation of New Zealand

New Zealand D.A.R.E. Programmes
Dare to make a Choice – Tena Kowhiria – Dare to Drive to Survive
Dare to Support Your Kids– Dare to make Change


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